Monday, July 26, 2010

2010 Cutest Kid Contest - WINNER

And That's all she wrote!

First I wanted to thank everyone who submitted a photo, not only was the children so stinkin cute but I couldn't help but smile at the images that you decided represented your child the best.

I'm sure most of you are glad the contest is over! No more seeing posts every 30 minutes about voting for your friends or family members kids in the contest! WOOHOO!

Miss Madison won the Grand Prize session and prints! With 146 votes!

Miss Scarlett and Mr. Quinton came in second and third with 118 and 101 votes respectively! Miss Scarlett and Mr. Quinton will both receive $50 towards their next sessions with Jenice Ray Photography! Congratulations to everyone involved! I hope it was as fun for you as it was for me!

The Jenice Ray Photography first photo contest was a success in so many ways, but most of all I hope I was successful in getting across that my business and fan page is a place for love and respect for all babies, children and God's children of every age. There was a moment of sad competitive edge that took some individuals to some other kind of competition other then good natured healthy fun. Because of that several were banned and new rules will apply in the future.

In the future I ask all contestant to ask their friends and family to play in the most fun and respectful way, if they can not, then all parties involved will be banned and the childs photo will be pulled from the contest and will not be accepted for future contests. I hope everyone understands.

On a happier note there will be another contest in December.... Dirtiest kids..... sleeping pictures.... best costumes? Not sure what the theme will be so stay tuned!


  1. Yay! Great contest, thanks for hosting it. I'm excited to see what you do with the next one. :)
